Saturday, October 15, 2005

Aging well with Dr.Andrew Weil.

I've summarised a few things from Dr.Weil's article in TIME Asia.I've aged really well myself.I find that as i get older i am more confident,brave,resourceful and strong.I also really like the fact that i look better now than in high school.

All of this i think,is from pursuing a healthier lifestyle. It's something that's difficult to do especially in Malaysia. I started when i was a medical student as living in Halifax was a simple life.

In pursuing wellness,4 components that arise are nutrients,meditation,diet and exercise.

Prevention comes first. Smoking is the worst possible thing you can do for yourself. Each puff produces 3 million free radicals. This depletes your body of antioxidants. Free radicals cause damage to your DNA and accelerates the body's aging process. If you don't smoke,good for you. If you do,start thinking about quitting now.It is definitely harder than it looks.

Another step in prevention is watching your weight. A weight of more than 10kg above your ideal weight is overweight. It increases the risk of having Diabetes and heart disease.

Let's face it. Our lifestyle itself is highly stressful. Personally,i work 16-18 hour days.I have had chronic insomnia for the past 3 years.My only serious relationship so far ended badly. However,i am amazed at what my body puts up with. I'm amazed at how far i can push it. But,what i need to do is to take a step back. I've to think about my goals and set limits. After all,i want to keep performing till i'm 90 years old. So,destressing and PRIORITIZING are important things to do.

Active people have active brains. Most older,high achieving,happy people keep active. Whether it's walking,yoga,tai-chi,weights or swimming,do what makes you happy!.Walking is actually the best exercise.It's cheap,it's kind on your joints and we were made for walking.

As you get older,this applies to people 60 and above;try to allocate time for rest throughout the day. Rest means to simply be passive for short periods during the day. If you have problems with early wakening,try to allocate time for 10-20 min naps in a darkened room. Have dinner after dusk and engage in a mentally stimulating activity so that you delay your bedtime to 9-10p.m.

A good destress technique that Dr.Weil described it as follows:
1. Place tip of tongue against ridge behind above front teeth,keep it there throughout the exercise.

2. Exhale completely through your mouth making a whooshing sound.

3. Inhale deeply and quietly throug your nose to a count of 4.Keep your mouth closed.

4. Hold for a count of seven.

5.Exhale audibly through mouth till a count of 8.

6. Repeat steps 3,4,5 for a total of 4 breaths.

Practice this twice a day or when you are feeling stressed,out of sorts or anxious.

For more info look up

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Don't practice Medicine in the government service.

1. No regulated working hours-In Oz,max hours are 60/week. Usually it's 45 to 60/week. ANy more,it's OT. In M'sia,>90hours minimum.

2. The government thinks they own you.

3. If you work on 7 hour shifts;you aren't entitled to grab a quick coffee in between cases. Fact is,you don't deserve ANY breaks.

4. Your pay sucks eggs,for housemanship basic pay is less than RM1/hour. That's less than USD0.30 cents/hour.

5.It still sucks eggs as a medical officer.For more than 90 hours a week you get paid RM2100 basic pay. that's less than USD 650/month.In Canada/Oz/US/Singapore you earn USD 3000/month.

6. There is no such thing as counselling or crisis intervention for M.Ds in M'sia. So,if you have problems sleeping,depression.anxiety ..whatever,the government couldn't care less.

7. The Malaysian Medical Council loses your important documents. I've been there 6 times. On the 3rd time finally they admitted they misplaced my file. And then scolded me for not being able to do a full registration.

8. Everything depends on your boss' discrimination. Right.

9. Very odd corporate culture. Pants are considered Impolite. I kid you not,i got told off just yesterday at the Gov Brainwashing Course i'm attending. Oh yes,and another Gov Idiot mentioned that we shouldn't wear make-up to work.Since it's only day 2 of the Gov Brainwashing/Induction Course i could definitely keep on adding this.......